
New Calling

On December 3rd, I was called and sustained as the Primary secretary for our ward. I have never served in the Primary before, but I am really enjoying my new calling. There are a lot of things I need to do each week. It's been great to have a calling that keeps me busy. I've enjoyed getting to know the sisters in the Primary presidency.

I am still serving as the Enrichment leader for Relief Society. We had a fabulous Spa Night in December. I hope to get some fun activities planned for 2007.

Sadly, with the new calling in the Primary, I have been released from the Activities Committee. It was fun to serve in that capacity, but 3 callings would have been overload.

I am happy to serve in the Primary and Relief Society.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. on the new calling.

    The Shulls


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