I got my period on Monday. I knew it was coming because for the week or so prior my boobs felt like heavy bricks every time I'd unleash them from
It's only in the past few years that I've starting experienced this.
And cramps.
I used to always feel so lucky not really ever having to deal with the pains of being a woman. My periods would come and go, and while I've always hated them, they would never cause me to DOUBLE OVER IN PAINFUL CRAMPS.
But, as I've gotten older, I've started to get ...
... the aforementioned painful boobsSometimes I joke with my husband about how I'm looking forward to menopause because it can't get much worse. He always assures me that it can. And probably will. Thanks, honey, you always know what to say.
... increased acne
... heavier flows
... painful cramps
So, last night, I awoke around 2 a.m. Now, it's not too unusual for me to wake up in the middle of the night, but lately, I've had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep.
But last night, in addition to the INSOMNIA, I had PAINFUL GUT-WRENCHING CRAMPS.
I took some Midol, but I just couldn't fall asleep.
Then, my body decided that since I was having such fun with my cramps, why not add a bit of gas to the equation.
I may have dozed a little here and there, but basically I've been awake since roughly 2 a.m.
On my way into work, I stopped at Walgreens because well, I need some supplies. I prefer the non-applicator kind because they seem a bit more comfortable to me, and I like the small size, so I can just slip them into my pocket.
As I was browsing this section I don't know why I browse since I always get the same thing, I saw these non-applicator ones.
At first I thought, Those are kind of neat. They come in a cute little tin.
Then, Who would spend $6.99 for 16 when you could spend $7.49 for 40? That's a lot of money for a cute little tin.
I also contemplated these.
I like the idea of using cups - disposable or reusable. Less waste and all that, but I used to have a DivaCup, and I was less than impressed with its, um, performance.
I hate spending money on something I'm not sure will work for me, and I'm also all about cheap, so I opted for the Walgreens brand non-applicator tampons. Exactly what I went to Walgreens with the intention of buying.
Have you ever tried any alternative supplies?
Do you find yourself dreading this time more as you get older or is it just me?