
Sunday's Scripture - 1 Timothy 4:12

In the past few months, I've found myself more and more needing a spiritual boost. I had a pretty sizeable meltdown a couple months ago, and I'm trying to work my way back to a strong spiritual base. It is a long slow battle, but I am confident that I will succeed. I am trying to make some positive changes in my life.

If you've been reading my blog recently, you know that I came back from a 2-month hiatus last week (You can read here about my return here.) One of the ideas I had for my blog was to do Sunday Sermons. As I sat in YW today, I thought perhaps I would change that to Sunday's Scripture. I thought it would be a little less preachy and a little easier for me to handle each week. I'd like to blog about a scripture that jumped out to me during a talk or lesson that day, so we'll see how this goes in future weeks. Sorry for the long explanation. It won't be like this every week. I promise.

Today our Young Women lesson was on Sharing the Gospel. We spent some time discussing:

1 Timothy 4:12
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

Any Latter-Day Saint youth (or youth leader) probably recognizes this scripture as the mutual theme from 2009. I know that we discussed it at length at the beginning of last year in our ward. There are so many things that I love about this scripture.

First, being an example is a commandment. It is something that our Heavenly Father wants us to do, and there are so many ways that we can be good examples. Everything we say and do should reflect our belief in our Savior.

Another thing I like about this scripture is that it doesn't matter our age, we can all be examples. I learn a lot from our youth, and I hope that they learn from my example, too. When we are examples, people will take notice.

I love this scripture as it applies to missionary work. Often we thinking of sharing the gospel as something scary, but it doesn't need to be. One of the best ways to share the gospel is to live it. Be an example of it. This is often a stronger tool than preaching.

What are your thoughts about this scripture? What are some ways that you can be an example of the believers in your daily life? How have you been an example in the past?


Flashback Friday: 1996 - Memorial Day

We were so suprised to see snow still on the ground in the middle of May! We had to play!

Memorial Day weekend, 1996

I went up north to Duluth (and beyond) with some friends for the weekend. It was so much fun. We got lost a few times. Angie got to drive her dad's brand new car. We visited Gooseberry Falls and the Splitrock Lighthouse (which apparently turns 100 this year, or so I read on a bus billboard recently). We laughed. a. lot.

Click here to see a few more pictures from this weekend. Mostly, the pix are of waterfalls. Waterfalls are probably one of my favorite things to see in nature.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!


Movie Review: The Blind Side

Last night, Jeff and I finally got to watch The Blind Side.

Here's the trailer, if you haven't seen it (or just want to see it again):

I really wanted to see this movie, and I certainly wasn't disappointed.

I did expect a few more tears. I choked up at a couple of lines but no tears actually fell. I think I nearly cried more watching the trailer months ago.

I enjoyed the Christian attitude that so many of the characters displayed in the film -- especially during the rare contrast of less-than-Christian attitudes of a few of the other characters. This film is a good reminder that we can all do a little better when it comes to how we treat others. Do we show are true Christian colors, or do we shy away from helping others knowing we may be ridiculed for our behavior or put in danger?

My only small complaint about the movie probably wouldn't much matter to most people out there, but I thought it was a little too-footbally in a couple of spots. I'm not a football fan (or any sport for that matter). Since I don't know the sport or the rules or really anything about it, there were a couple of scenes (one of which was the opening scene) where I totally got lost. I know that was a major part of the story, but...

At any rate, I would definitely recommend this movie.

Have you seen it? If so, how did it rate in your book?

Thankful Thursdays

I often feel that I am a rather ungrateful person. I don't often express my gratitude to others, so I figured, if I blog my gratitude, perhaps I will become more aware of everyday things in my life for which I should be thankful.

I decided Thursdays are the perfect day to do this. After all, Thanksgiving is a Thursday. Why not carry on that Thanksgiving spirit on Thursdays throughout the year?

Here are a few things for which I am grateful on this beautiful Thursday morning.
  • The visiting teaching program, as a whole, and more specifically my current visiting teacher. She is the best! I have opened up to her in ways I haven't with anyone else, and it feels so good to talk to someone about my hopes and fears. Thank you, Bre! You're awesome!!
  • Minnesota summers. This week has been fantastically sunny and HOT...and I LOVE IT!! Some may say that Monday was too hot with records highs and lots of humidity, but I could hardly have asked for a better week. It gives me a good excuse to eat outside and soak up some rays.
  • The gym. Jeff and I joined the gym nearly 2 months ago, and we've been going together pretty consistently a few times a week. It is so fun to workout together! Mostly we've been doing weight training. He really pushes me, which I will be even more thankful for when I begin to look fabulous!
  • Comments on my blog, of course. Thank you K, Lara, and Tacy - My 3 biggest blogging fans. :-)There is almost nothing that brings a bigger smile to my face. Well comments on my Fb status do it, too. Any emails from friends I have heard from in awhile. Really, anything that lets me know that someone is thinking about me that I didn't really expect.
That's probably enough for this week. What are you thankful for today?


It's About Time

Dear Readers,

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

This past Monday, I received an email from my big sister informing me that my blog had not been updated since March. She simply couldn't believe that I hadn't had anything to say in nearly two months!

Here are some not-so-good excuses as to why my blog has been neglected.
  • I've been sick off and on
  • I went back to work after spending 18 months as a full-time student
  • Finished my Human Geography class (Final grade: B)
  • Many evenings spent on my final projects for my Technology for Instruction course
  • Joined LA Fitness, so many evenings are now spent working out with my husband
Wait a second!!

Many of these could have been excellent blogging topics! Perhaps they still will be.

Stay tuned...

I promise it won't be another two months.

Here are a few ideas I've had for my blog:
  • Tech Tuesdays (highlighting cool technology that I've found--education-related or otherwise)
  • Thankful Thursdays
  • Flashback Fridays
  • Sunday sermons (not really sermons, but spiritual thoughts/epiphanies)
  • More book and movie reviews
  • Photo tours
Do you have any other ideas? Specific topics you'd like me to address? Let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for stopping by and please come again soon!


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